You might be thinking why bother changing when you are comfortable doing what you are doing, surviving rather than thriving – life is easier this way just being stuck doing things the way we have always done it, stuck in our own way of being, which we think can’t be changed…
In fact, your past doesn’t have to define you, you can recreate your future by transforming the way you think. Even though change can be seen negatively, it really can be a positive thing – it opens up new doors, new opportunities, another perspective, another chance for you to grow and evolve.
We are all ageing by the day, none of us are getting any younger, and this, as well as my past experiences, struggles and everyday stresses, I find is one of the factors that is contributing towards my shift in thinking and the way I am evolving more each day.
We need to look after ourselves more as we grow older. My new way of thinking, otherwise known as my mindset, gets me asking myself questions about what’s out there in the Universe that I am truly destined to be doing, my inner purpose, how can I evolve into the best person I can be and how do I want the world to see me.
Everyone has a purpose, we don’t always know what it is, so we have to look for it. It’s like a treasure hunt, so there can be some interesting findings, especially if it is something you didn’t even know existed inside of you – it could be a newfound feeling or talent you didn’t know you had, or maybe it is something you have always wanted to do but never thought you were capable of.
Sometimes we need to take one step closer and look inside ourselves and ask what is it you would like to change about yourselves and how is it you want to live your life, how you would like to see the world in the future, and how do you fit into it all. Even if there is a risk you might fail, it’s still worth taking a chance. You are worth that chance – we are only blessed with one life, and we must make the most of it, otherwise what’s the point.
Often people are scared of change, scared of what might happen, and what other people think around them. The truth is it doesn’t matter, because the people who are meant to be in our lives, will be the ones who stay and will be loyal. If you are true to yourself, you will attract the right kind of people who love you for who you are. It is only when you are consistent, pay yourself the attention you truly deserve, you will start to see results and your mind shifting, and your negative thoughts will lessen over time as you become more conscious of who you are as a person and how you can make your mark in the world and impact people around you.
Change is exciting, it’s just getting through all those initial hurdles, and through it all, more importantly feeding our minds with strength and love, so that you are able to start to see the brighter view on the other side. It’s never too late to start over and build a better future for yourself.