Feel the fear and do it anyway

I bought more of of a pinky violet hair dye (made by Garnier Olia) a few weeks ago (rather than a dark purply colour which I was ideally looking for).

Anyway, today, I finally decided I was going to use it….I was petrified of changing my hair colour to a different one that I was used to!

I have been procrastinating about using the hair dye as I was worried what I would look like as I’ve never dyed my hair this pinky colour before! Anyway, thankfully, it is darker than I anticipated and not quite so bright! ??

This might seem really trivial but it does apply to practically anything you want to do in life, you just need to make the decision to change your life, stick to it, take action and grab that opportunity to shine your light whenever you can during the day – who knows what tomorrow will bring ❤️

Sara Benveniste

Sara is a mum of 3 and also a Mindset & Wellness coach. and through personal experience, helps people with low energy and chronic fatigue develop a healthier, more positive and creative growth mindset, and at the same time, nourish their mind, body and soul through self-love, good nutrition, music and mindfulness. She is also a linguist, and loves learning foreign languages, including French, Spanish and Italian, playing the flute and listening to music.

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