What lessons have you learned this year?

As we are approaching the end of 2019, I thought I would gather my thoughts and reflect on this year in preparation for the year ahead.

What an incredibly challenging and at the same time inspiring year 2019 has been!!! I have really taken time this year to dig deeper into those things that fill me with joy and excitement, at the same time really helping to improve my energy and well-being and manage my everyday life in the best possible way. More importantly, I prioritised myself much more, and in doing so, I hope I have inspired others to do the same too ❤️

As well as trying to make sure I have enough rest and generally taking care of myself well enough, my self-care has also included making a conscious effort to love myself more, to develop my passions, those things that light up my soul and really help me feel connected to myself much more. All of which makes life feel more worth living, and which makes me feel alive!

Writing has really been a healing experience for me this past year as it has allowed me to access parts of myself that I haven’t been able to access before, further enhanced by the instrumental and classical music I often play behind the scenes whilst creating my book to spark more creativity and inspiration in my writing. Writing a book was always in the plan this year but what I didn’t know is that I would finish writing it a year after I had started writing my blog, ready to get it published the following year! Exciting times ahead…

I have also been on an exciting musical ride this year too in developing my passion for music in all forms, whether it is listening to music mindfully, playing my flute, or singing in a choir and karaoke style too. Incorporating music much more as part of my life has really helped me come out of my shell and improve my confidence and happiness in life, and for this, I’m filled with so much gratitude.

So…. as 2019 is approaching its end, I would like to share with you the key lessons I have learnt overall this year that each and every one of us too can take with us into 2020 to help make our lives more enjoyable and fulfilling:

  • Empower yourself to live the life you deserve, it’s the only way.
  • Be selfish, don’t deny yourself the love and respect you are worthy of.
  • Give yourself permission to dream and create the life you want to live. If you don’t allow it, how can it ever happen?
  • Embrace your imperfections and don’t let them define you, these are all the components that make up YOU. Accept and love them exactly as they are.
  • Embrace your passions and make them a part of your life, otherwise when will they ever happen? Time is short.
  • Celebrate your achievements and all that has brought you to where you are now.
  • Be proud of who you are, you can’t ever change who you were born to be.
  • Be thankful for all your experiences in life and for the lessons they have taught you.
  • Be thankful for and look after your health, you never know how long it’ll last.
  • Believe in yourself, have faith… how will you ever know you can do it if you don’t even try? Feel the fear and do it anyway.

On this note, I wish you all a healthy and happy 2020!!!

Hoping that this coming year brings all you wish for, and more. Remember, although it is a brand new year and it is a great opportunity to make a fresh start and create some nice,new healthy self-care habits, at the same time, don’t forget to continue to bring this feeling to every brand new day that comes afterwards too and make it your best xxx

Sara Benveniste

Sara is a mum of 3 and also a Mindset & Wellness coach. and through personal experience, helps people with low energy and chronic fatigue develop a healthier, more positive and creative growth mindset, and at the same time, nourish their mind, body and soul through self-love, good nutrition, music and mindfulness. She is also a linguist, and loves learning foreign languages, including French, Spanish and Italian, playing the flute and listening to music.

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