All we can do now is focus on the positive

Thought I would share a podcast I just listened to on the Spectator with Claudia Mendoza, CEO of The Jewish Leadership Council, as guest speaker, who provides an objective and clear-headed view about the Israel-Gaza conflict and who discusses the reality for Jewish people of the rising levels of anti-semitism in all areas of life.

What is the future for Jewish people in this country, who knows…. However, our only choice right now is optimism and hope, and all we can do now is to focus on the positive steps that are already being taken and that can be taken in the future to improve things, and in the meantime, appreciate the good that IS around us and the key support and amazing activists who are watching our back and fighting with us from all religions and backgrounds.

No-one knows yet which new government will get voted in this July – but it is so important that we ALL vote this year more than ever, including the silent majority.

As Claudia said, everything will become clearer once we see how they tackle the issue of extremism with a level of courage we haven’t yet seen with this current government as anti-semitism spirals out of control, and not just in the UK.

Definitely worth having a listen to this podcast.