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Does your mind ever wander off

During a 15 minute meditation, before cooking prep began for Shabbat dinner, my mind wandered off in the middle as it sometimes does and I remember seeing myself singing along with other people to “Follow the yellow brick road” in the Wizard of Oz. I don’t always remember what happens when my mind wanders off but this time was crystal clear.

I then wondered what the significance of it was as when I went to listen to that song, it didn’t resonate with me – it was too jolly (and fast) to listen to – it is fun to play on the flute though!

Anyway, so I googled it, and underneath the question, Google asked: “What is the symbolism behind the yellow brick road?”. In response, it said that “the Yellow Brick Road symbolizes the gold standard”. It goes on to say “The phrase ‘gold standard’ is defined as the use of gold as the standard value for the money of a country.”

So I wondered whether this was referring to the Gold of Jerusalem, and then I searched for a song that might explain this. I knew in my mind of a song called Jerusalem of Gold / Yerushalayim Shel Zahav.

Not long after, randomly, I came across the version sung by André Rieu that he played in concert 3 years ago and it looked like an amazing experience for everyone, especially the Jewish people that were there singing along!!! My Mum used to love him – he has a heart of gold.

Am Yisroel Chai 🙏❤️🇮🇱✡️

How much time do you spend teaching others how to communicate and interact with autistic people

Written during Neurodiversity Celebration Week

We spend so much time teaching autistic kids how to communicate and interact with other people and children, how much time do we spend teaching others how to communicate and interact with autistic people?

We ALL belong! We are ALL unique in our special ways and should be given the opportunity to thrive in the best way we can. We are ALL constantly learning and evolving ❤️

Resilience, persistence and a lot of patience is the best and only way to break down barriers.

Neurodiversity is a real learning curve but worth it of course, especially if you have family or friends with any special educational needs. Their lives and achievements should be celebrated this week especially! 🙌🥳

Let’s all be part of the solution – celebrate and embrace your differences with pride. Inclusivity is the only way forward that will be of great benefit to us all whatever we believe, the colour of our skin, however our brain is wired.

We are all part of the same human race that we have been put on this earth to love ❤️