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How connected do you really feel?

As a mum and someone who is now living in an era where technology is just everywhere – even our central heating and lights can be controlled by the internet (very frustrating when the internet is down which happens occasionally), so it is very hard to escape technology completely. And so we have to make a conscious effort to switch off, otherwise like housework, it is relentless the amount of time you can spend surfing the web or using any kind of social media if you don’t discipline yourself to stop.

On one hand, it is amazing how we can connect with like minded people from all over the world in an instant, but on the other hand, we can find ourselves easily lost in the world of the internet if we are not careful and forget about what it’s actually like to have human connection in your life.

Having easy access to technology can really make you think you are well connected but in fact, it’s not always the connection we really need as a human being. It’s not easy being a mum, as there is a lot of time spent alone in your own company working around the restricted time frame of school hours or holiday camps, or maybe you are waiting for the time the kids are in bed before you can connect with friends whether by phone or getting out of the house and interacting face to face with them. Maybe you have a baby or toddler like me who at this stage, don’t know many people with little ones the same age as my toddler, and need to entertain your child on your own and manage them all day long, all the highs and lows included. It is really hard on your sanity, and so there is such a constant need to relax and uplift, plus you do have to become more picky about which battles to fight and which to let go of. I realise that over the years as a mum, I have really missed simple old-fashioned human connection, the adult conversation, the mental stimulation and laughs to help me get through my day.

This is why I decided to run a weekly Summer Karaoke club during the school holidays (which are normally so very intense), as aside from helping to relieve my stress, I wanted to make live human connections with friends and like minded people who can feed off each other’s energy, fulfil a sense of belonging, and just release any tension and have some fun and sing without fear of being judged in a really warm environment and in small groups which are always nice too. And even though not everyone knows each other, we all get along well as we can share our own experiences of motherhood, let off some steam, and just get lost in the moment, and sing along and dance to our favourite tunes in our own private room.

Don’t let your human connections slide and technology control your life and relationships (it is very easily done as it is so addictive)…. Instead, take whatever action necessary to deepen your connections with real people too away from the distraction of technology, and focus on the task or activity or hobby you are doing one at a time wherever possible, and more importantly, enjoy the moment. It is these little mindful habits and moments we can create for ourselves that help determine the focus of our lives and help you to shine a light on each day.

How can you lose yourself in the moment, and form better connections with yourself and/or other people in the world around you?

Be kind to yourself

Time and time again, I hear many women speak so negatively about themselves, and comparing themselves to others, in a way you wouldn’t talk to other people, and it niggles me – I do it too sometimes. Why do we do this??!

Our self-talk is so important – it really does affect how you feel as a person the words you speak about yourself… It really does become your reality if you then go and strongly believe those words are true and speak these words in real life… Go and be the amazing person you want to be and don’t let your mind talk you out of it!!!!!!

Fill your mind with positive words, with all who you want to be, all the nice things, every day, and fill your hearts with more love for yourself with some or all those things you say you never have time to do or put off for whatever reason, make regular time in your diary, in your life, for self-care, otherwise what can you project to the world outside…

You are worthy of feeling your very best – go out and do more of those things that make you feel amazing and you will start to feel better in yourself, about who you are as the unique person that you are.

Everything you do, practice it consistently as much as you can, slot it in your diary, your routine, your life – that’s the key. It’s hard to be perfect all the time, I do have off days, I do treat myself too, but the trick is to acknowledge how you are feeling, what your body needs, and more importantly, what you are worth so you can get back on track again soon afterwards.

Sing and shine

When we get excited and have fun, it allows us to access a brighter part of ourselves and it brings us a sense of newfound both mental and physical energy, and especially if you are consistent with doing what lights you up inside.

Consistency is key, building fun habits as well as those more mundane ones into your life. Therefore, excitement can be in essence our guide to bringing more happiness into our lives on a regular basis if we let ourselves feel that feeling.

Have you ever thought about what your purpose in life is? It’s not just about what you do work-wise (if this is something that excites you), it’s something that you can think about to cover all other areas of your life too. Of course we interact differently with different kinds of people but we can show up as a whole as one kind of person and take control of how we want to feel in life, which’ll ultimately come across in the way we behave with ourselves and to others in the outside world.

Singing can really make a difference if you make it part of your daily or weekly routine – you can do it anywhere, anytime. There is much more opportunity now to have music surround you in life wherever you are, what with access to YouTube on our phones and Bluetooth too… You can use those spare tedious moments effectively by including music into your life to uplift and de-stress you.

Singing has been such an important part of my journey in improving my energy, growing my mindset, motivating and empowering me, making me feel good, and more importantly increasing the flow of joy and happiness into my life.

So let excitement be your guide – never lose your childlike spirit!

Sail away from the safe harbour

Mark Twain was right. There’s so much more to discover about ourselves when we start exploring within our very own selves that we never even knew existed.

A year ago, I never knew I would be writing regular blogs, actually produce the content for most of my book, and get as inspired as I have done with all forms of music – it has played such a big role in my life fulfilling lots of different purposes.

Life is so full of stress, overwhelm, obstacles and challenges, and so it is crucial that we must look within ourselves when we come across and have to face any one of life’s challenges. It’s important to learn to find the opportunities to learn something new and pull something positive from each one of these experiences even if it is a negative experience. Push past those barriers, have more faith in yourself, take the plunge, each and every day of your life is valuable – we mustn’t waste a moment.

Sometimes I don’t always know if I am heading in the right direction (it can be difficult to know for sure), but I do have to just trust my intuition as I go along, that gut feeling inside, that I am taking the steps that are right for me and the path I am heading towards, my goals and ambitions. My future. And your’s too.

It’s important to remember that it’s your road and your’s alone – other people can walk it with you but can never walk it for you, which is why it’s so important to empower ourselves to live our best lives through connecting to ourselves, our needs and passions to get the best out of life. No one else can know this better than us.

If time, money or even children weren’t an issue, what would you want to pursue in life? What are your ambitions, what do you dream of? Open your heart, eyes and mind… see what comes up.

We have to give ourselves the mental space to breathe and think about what these even are. When we go from one task to another without stopping, it’s hard sometimes to know what you want from life as there’s not much time to think about it all.

Dedicate a little time in each day to think about this, find a little activity that you could do regularly that would start helping you to build those blocks towards that thing you dream of – and include it as a regular, routine part of your life. Routine doesn’t have to be boring!

Don’t let mental blocks control you. Use them as an opportunity to grow, feel more freedom to be yourself and ultimately start to see yourself in your true colours.

Don’t forget to have fun

We get so used to the routine in our daily lives that we sometimes forget to make fun a part of it too, especially if you are someone who gets overwhelmed easily just trying to keep up with everything (especially for me coming up to the end of the school year with doctors appointments, inductions, shows, school trips and sports days just fill up the calendar and a constant juggling act with my 3 kids). You may also be someone who has a routine involving tasks or chores that are mindless or unexciting like housework, cleaning, sorting through clothes, sitting in heavy traffic on and off all day long, a long train commute, and so on.

The lack of stimulation is so incredibly draining on the mind…. when really you can make life more exciting and add to the equation some music or listen to a motivational video, even if for just 5-10 minutes, which can suddenly make you feel more energised, uplifted and in a better mood for the rest of the day. Or find another calming mindful activity, meditate or delve into a good book. Just listen to your body and feel what it needs, then go and do that thing. This is what self-care is all about.

It’s not just chores we can add fun to, it’s everything in our lives. It could be that you are making the best of what you have, for example, with chronic fatigue, chronic disease, a hearing disability or sight loss. Life can be really tough and very challenging, and we have to make that choice to push through doing the best we can to make positive life choices to be able to better handle the negatives that come our way.

I have been experimenting with my new hearing aid to take advantage of the latest technology and using Bluetooth which is a completely new experience for me. It really is like having headphones on without wearing headphones (I like the 80s style “over the ear” ones) whenever anyone calls me or I play any songs on YouTube, which is quite cool though it does feel a bit strange talking to people on the phone with no mobile attached to my ear. Or maybe i’m just a bit behind on the times as more and more people are wearing Bluetooth headsets whether they have any hearing loss or not.

It could also be that you would like to make interactions with your family more fun which helps to make your home environment less stressful and helps to snap out of the routine a little, making your lives feel easier and more enjoyable. We have to make a conscious effort to add little drops of fun into our day to keep up our energy and to be your best self.

Kids learn best through fun and play, and the same really does apply to adults aswell. There is always something new we could be learning, and this is a great way to energise your mind and grow your mindset.

We can take control of our thoughts and beliefs, and empower ourselves to live happier lives and not let everyone and everything around us dominate our lives, leaving very litte time and space in our minds to do anything for ourselves.

Think sideways and out of the box, maybe there is something more that excites you in that direction. And do more of that in your life – be happy, you deserve it.

No need to hide

As someone with moderate hearing loss myself, I have always been told it’s ok to hide my aids underneath my hair and no-one will see it so I won’t need to worry about what people will think of how I look wearing hearing aids…

Whilst I was growing up as a child, I found the whole concept of wearing hearing aids really hard to bear, and so as I had so much hair anyway, hiding them seemed the best solution and so this is exactly what I did, so most people didn’t really know I had any hearing problem unless I told them.

However, I really feel now that maybe this wasn’t the right thing to do as it pushes all that negativity and anxiety under the carpet, which is probably why it has resurfaced in the front of my mind as an adult. I didn’t deal with the anxiety well back then, and I ended up tuning it all out for many years, and had gotten used to life as it has been with its limitations, and to be honest, I didn’t think twice about it anymore as I thought “this is who I am”.

Through hiding and not talking about what I was feeling, I made the decision at some point early on to put limitations on myself on what I could achieve due to my hearing loss, and I didn’t want to make my life harder than it needed to be. So I lived my life feeling limited by my hearing loss, and I didn’t push or challenge myself to do the things that are really hard and scary, the things I thought I couldn’t do with my hearing loss, to face my fears and try and find a work-around solution. The fact that I didn’t feel comfortable talking about this part of me really did have a knock on effect on my confidence and self-esteem over the years without even realising.

I didn’t want to make a big thing of it at work as I was worried about being discriminated against, so I kept quiet about it most of the time and didn’t get any extra support that could have helped me. I have always had to manage it on my own, and this is what I got used to. I really worked hard at school, and especially for the things I loved to study at school, like foreign languages. The ironic thing is the subjects I loved at school are subjects that are a big challenge for people like me with hearing loss, but the fact that I loved learning foreign languages really helped me to succeed, and I mostly had very supportive teachers who I am really grateful for.

The truth is that there is no need to hide the hearing aids under the hair, so for those of you, both adults and kids, growing up now with hearing loss like myself and my daughter, I would say just expose your aids, and allow yourselves to let feel those feelings you have about your hearing loss and get proactive on a regular basis and find ways to reward yourselves with love and self-care, and incorporate regular mindful activities into your daily routine that can give you relief from those negative feelings and take you to a different place in your mind doing something calming, uplifting or joyful. This could be music, meditation, art, gardening, reading, having a warm bath, going for a walk or being outside in nature, buying a small bunch of flowers, the list is endless, just do what makes you light up, something you love to do or experience that is soothing on their mind and makes you feel good inside. It has to become part of their daily routine.This also applies to anyone who has any kind of anxiety relating to any other special educational need, health issue, chronic disease, or parents and people in general who lead a stressful lifestyle. Anxiety has to be managed daily.

Don’t let yourself or your kids feel embarrassed to have hearing loss, there is no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed by your scars and to dream big – this is YOU. You are unique. Choose to live your life with hope, with positivity, dream big, as this is what’ll really help you or your kids to feel good about themselves on a regular basis and help to manage and calm down any anxiety.

Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to make a conscious effort to do it and realise that our needs are important too. Sometimes, you just need to create your own sunshine even if life gets cloudy, and learn to love yourself without being so attached to the idea of being loved only by someone else.

Who’s in the driver seat of your life?

Do you ever feel powerless? And especially when things happen out of your control?

Ever since I had an accident with my hearing aids this weekend, the first accident of this kind in all my adult years of wearing a hearing aid, all these old feelings have resurfaced, first of course blaming myself for the accident and then secondly, experiencing the worry and anguish of getting a new hearing aid and how I will cope, and I felt like I used to feel when I was a child.

I have realised that over the years, I have only ever associated negativity with my hearing loss, the pain, the upset, the discomfort, the struggle, the shame, the worry and stress around being someone who has a disability, feeling like a victim, who isn’t “normal” like the rest of the crowd and instead stands out.

I have always found it really hard to be proud of who I am, even with my imperfections. There is such an incredible stigma around being someone with a disability, whatever that disability may be. I had the best care I could get at the time, my parents did the best they could, but there was very little emotional support for me to help me adjust to my newfound disability, to help me find a way to feel positive about myself and my hearing loss combined.

I haven’t always loved myself. I hated my imperfections, I hated having to wear hearing aids, how their looked and sounded with all the extra noise, so I just hid them under my hair, and pretty much all my life I covered them up so people don’t even know sometimes that I have a hearing problem. I had to tell my teachers of course but aside from that, I haven’t really spoken much about it to anyone, not even some of my closest friends… I didn’t feel able to talk about it with anyone to be honest, especially as I didn’t want to be pitied. I was ashamed of this part of myself. I just wanted to be like everyone else and not be treated any differently, but it has been a real struggle, and this is easier said than done.

When I was younger, I didn’t used to like wearing my aids other than when I really had to wear them ie for school or university. Socially, I tended to not wear them as I was self-conscious about wearing them, but also the aids weren’t as good back then, and I found the loud noise really unsettling when all frequencies were amplified no matter what your level of hearing loss was.

People don’t always understand and can get very impatient, so this was a big challenge too. It was embarrassing to talk about, I was embarrassed to be made to feel different. I was happier just hiding out. It seemed easier to hide. And I missed out on things being said, and just resigned myself to the fact that because of who I am, I have to just get used to missing out, especially if watching a film, a talk, going for a meal or drinks with friends in large groups in noisy places, and just make the best of it, catch what I can and just be happy with that. Easier not to talk about it and live in shame.

I do wonder if this is some kind of sign from the universe to help guide me towards taking more responsibility for my hearing loss and my emotional health that relates to my disability, to encourage me to work through all my fears, to help me find a solution that works for me, making me feel comfortable in myself, happy and making me feel good about myself, to lay to rest all those negative feelings I associate with my hearing loss and replace them with positives, and bit by bit, I hope I can reduce the struggle and start to feel more positive and empowered, facing my fears and working through the obstacles using the tools I have already been using to help empower me in other areas of my life, and also, by taking positive action and asking for help, getting the support I need from people who understand what it’s like.

It felt really good to take that first step. I don’t want to feel all the powerless beliefs I have about myself anymore. Instead, I continue to show my commitment to myself to:


Why don’t you try the same and see how that feels? Make those positive choices in your life, you are worth all of it.

What language do you speak?

Understanding language in all forms is the true essence of life, whether it is body language, the language we speak to ourselves in our mind, our self-talk, or even a foreign language you are learning…

Even if it is your native language, we need to pay attention to the languages we have been blessed to communicate with in our everyday lives. When we fill and jam-pack our days with chores or tasks to complete on our to-do list that can be endless, and you don’t allow and create breathing space for yourself, even if for a couple of minutes, this ends up making us feeling grumpy, tired, frustrated, angry, the list goes on, and all that excess, unwanted and unnecessary negative energy starts to resurface.

The key thing I have found is to really pay attention to those energy dips you get during the day, and do your best to tell yourself and make the decision that you want to feel good, to not stay in that negative state for very long, and choose love for yourself and snap out of it with some positive energy and self-care, whatever form that is for you, and go do that thing you know will make you light up.  There really is such a thing called body language, and we really have to make an effort whenever we can to listen in and try to understand it. Our bodies have a distinct way of communicating with us.

Try it out for yourself, have a listen in to what your body is trying to tell you – then take action and respond to your body’s cues. See what happens, you might surprise yourself and may even feel uplifted which is always a good thing. Definitely worth a try.

What makes you feel happy?

Music is my happy place. As someone with chronic pain as well as fatigue, I do need distraction (aside from acknowledging the pain itself) and of course to find some pain relief too.

When I’m in most pain or have some kind of flare up, my automatic reaction is to feel sad and anxious, and think negative thoughts, and then in that state, I end up finding something or someone to blame for the pain and sadness that surrounds me when I retreat into that sad, negative mindset. However, I do try nowadays not to stay in this state for a long time… If I stay in this state for too long, it can get pretty miserable, so this is why I have to make that choice to feel happy, I have to take action to do those things that make me feel happy and more positive, and this is the power that music has over me. As I said at the beginning, I use music in so many different ways, so sometimes, quiet, calming, chilled music is the thing that helps to calm my mind, and guided meditation with gentle music in the background has been a lifesaver for me – just shutting my eyes for half an hour does me the world of good and helps me to get through the rest of the day in a more positive frame of mind.

It is like this on an everyday basis with fibromyalgia, I am constantly having to check in with myself and making those little moments to breathe, to hear or feel what my body and mind are communicating with me. As a mum aswell, there is such a need to constantly uplift myself as there are so many things I do for the kids, for the family, that do tire and stress me out, which is why it’s so important to acknowledge this and pay close attention to our needs throughout the day.

Get in touch with yourself – develop good self care habits on a regular basis, and don’t let your “battery charge” get too low, unbearable and hard to manage.

You wouldn’t let your phone charge get too low, so don’t let yourself get so low on charge too…

Make yourself an important priority in life.


Are you allowing your light to shine?

“My head felt explosive today. I thought it was just because I had a terrible night’s sleep with my 2 year old (he couldn’t breathe easily with a blocked nose) but I think also, I was just feeling overwhelmed with all the ideas and plans I have for my new business, and really trying to nail down my main priorities, the things I must place most focus on, which has been tough for me as I strive to reduce my overwhelm.”

This is how I felt on Friday.

And I didn’t know where to start, which ideas I really must zoom in on even more to help me achieve my goals with the limited time I have, which is a big factor. Some ideas seem much more clear cut, others aren’t so much…. and I just wanted to get it all clear in my head, right then, my big plan, all of it.

So many things to do for the family, so many ideas have formed relating to the direction I could be going with my business, and there is only one of me with a limited amount of time and energy, so I thought late afternoon, I would get all my thoughts on paper (and out of my head), and it turned out I unintentionally gave myself some really good advice that I needed to hear and see written down.

In fact, what I realised I was doing was overloading my brain with trying to work everything all out at once when actually, I really need to focus on completing the next step only and worry about the rest when I get to it and not overwhelm myself so much! Overwhelm is still a constant struggle as a mum of 3.

My mind was crying out for some quiet time, some breathing space…

So that’s what I did on Friday, I gave my mind a little breathing space, to the best of my ability around the chaos of the school runs, household chores and just looking after my toddler. I made sure I used nap time to have a lie down myself, gave into some comfort food, which for me is still on the healthy side but I ate more carbs than I normally do, but you know what, I allowed myself just to relax and listen to my body as much as possible and just find the calm during the day whenever I could, and did what I needed to do to clear my head and make space for clarity – the things that really matter to me, my family, and also, how I can make a real difference in other people’s lives and achieve the best results I possibly can in the different creative projects I am working on and find the right work life balance somehow. It is a constant juggling act….

How can you make space for the things you love, how can you introduce more calm into your life to be able to see through the chaos and help you find more happiness in life?

Introducing some calm into our lives is so important, however it works best for you, whether it is to have a power nap, introduce some meditation into your day, read a book, shut your eyes and listen to some classical or uplifting music, the list goes on. But it has to work and make sense to you, which will help and motivate you to do it.

We must make the effort to invest in ourselves in the things we love, in our everyday happiness – get inspired, learn something new, develop your own little routine, some thing dedicated to you and your uniquely special self every single day. We have to make the best of who we are, we have no other choice.

You are worth it – we are all worthy – despite our imperfections. Be your perfectly imperfect self and let your light shine and bring out the best in you.